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About Subscriptbea

  • Subscriptbea is a native iOS and Android application.
  • This application helps users to manage their subscriptions and renewals.
  • This app will also give a reminder 24 hours prior to the renewal date so that they do not forget and miss their payment dates.
  • It will also help users to prevent penalties on their accounts.
  • Minimum android API level required would be 26.
  • My Roles
  • Played role of a active and contributing team member.
  • Participated in the brainstorming of the idea.
  • Collabrated with other team members to design wireframes.
  • Created team contract.
  • Managed trello cards and add cards for new sprints.
  • Developed iOS application and managed it on GitHub.
  • Project insights
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    Screens and designs

    Pitchventure logo goes here
    Login Screen
    Pitchventure logo goes here
    Signup Screen
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    Home Screen
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    Add-Edit Screen
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    Profile Screen
    Pitchventure logo goes here
    Bird eye view