PitchVenture is an iOS application that connects commercial store owners with franchise or brand owners who want to establish a business by purchasing a franchise.
Many brands and companies have established franchises in various regions of the world in recent years to expand their business,
but there is a lack of a reliable platform where shop owners can communicate with franchise owners.
This application will let store owners search different franchise and get full information on franchises and allow them to submit a proposal request for a franchise.
The franchisor will be able to check the locations of shop owners and approve or reject their proposal.
Once the franchisor has approved the proposal, the store owner can make a payment to finalize the agreement and receive the invoice.
My Roles
Played role of a active and contributing team member.
Participated in the brainstorming of the idea.
Collabrated with other team members to design wireframes.
Created team contract.
Managed trello cards and add cards for new sprints.
Developed iOS application and managed it on GitHub.