GoKone profile photo
About GoKone

  • GoKone is a native iOS and Android application.
  • With this application users can go on a group dating.
  • User can set their availability to meet.
  • During pandemic, virtual dating was carried out using Zoom.
  • Minimum android API level required would be 26.
  • Minimum iOS version required is 13.0.
  • My Roles
  • Played role of a active and contributing team member.
  • Participated in the brainstorming of the idea.
  • Collabrated with other team members to design wireframes.
  • Integrated apis.
  • Managed trello cards and add cards for new sprints.
  • Developed iOS application and managed it on GitHub.
  • Project insights
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    Screens and designs

    Pitchventure logo goes here
    Login Screen
    Pitchventure logo goes here
    Home Screen
    Pitchventure logo goes here
    Circle Screen
    Pitchventure logo goes here
    Chat Screen
    Pitchventure logo goes here
    Circle Members Screen